Voices of the Land is a digital public space that supports communities to create, share, discover, and celebrate Indigenous perspectives online. It was developed by libraries throughout Alberta with support from the Government of Alberta’s Public Library Services Branch. This work is guided by a steering committee from libraries across the province. It is the culmination of collaboration with Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and community members. Voices of the Land is meant to amplify Indigenous-led stories and all are welcomed to ethically consume the content online. Protocols are available for stories that require proper consent and safe-guarding strategies.
Voices of the Land is an expansion on Voices of Amiskwaciy, which was developed by the Edmonton Public Library (EPL) in consultation and collaboration with Indigenous communities (i.e Paul Band, Enoch Cree Nation, Maskwacis) and individuals in Edmonton.
We will continue to work together to gather and showcase stories that can support learning, understanding and celebration of Indigenous Peoples throughout Alberta and beyond. This site will -constantly live, grow, and change as the community deems necessary.
The values that underpin this initiative were formed through several community discussions and consultations, including a pipe ceremony led by Elder Wilson Bearhead that began the Voices of Amiskwaciy project. These values continue to guide Voices of the Land as it expands and grows. The process has been fluid and responsive to community feedback. This includes all development aspects of the website, programming, outreach and communications with Indigenous communities. With this guidance from Indigenous communities, this digital public space provides open access, tells stories that Indigenous people choose to tell.
We have adopted the 7 Sacred Teachings, also known as the 7 Grandfather Teachings. These values provide a solid, ethical framework for Voices of the Land. The storytellers also embody the values through sharing of their stories. Described below are the values that support how Voices of the Land strives to be a safe and ethical digital space:
- Love: Engaging in relationships from a place of kindness, caring and compassion and supporting of self-determination.
- Respect: Creating a safe space where stories are valued.
- Courage: Committing to follow through on project goals.
- Honesty: Being transparent about the process and progress of the project to the public.
- Wisdom: Seeking out and including Indigenous knowledge throughout the project development.
- Humility: Working in meaningful partnerships on an equal plane and being open to learning and embracing new ways of understanding, acting and knowing.
Truth: Creating an authentic Indigenous space where truths can be shared.
This project is just as much about process as it is the product. To create a digital space reflective of Indigenous communities, it was important to learn and understand community perspectives, hopes, concerns and visions. The Steering Committee met with community partners throughout the process to ensure everything from functionality to design were aligned with community needs and wants for a digital storytelling platform.
What we asked about:
- Sharing and Content: What kinds of content people wanted to share and see in this space and how this content should be shared and seen.
- Aesthetics: What should this space look like? How should people navigate through it? What kinds of imagery, colours and symbols should be included? How could we make the look of this site meaningful?
- Features: What kinds of features would be good to have on the site (Commenting, Tagging, Mapping Tools, Social Media Tools, etc.)?
- Impacts: What kinds of impacts and outcomes does community want to see for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people?
- Project Name: What should this space be called? How can it reflect Indigenous cultures throughout Alberta?
- Concerns and Challenges: What concerns do communities have in creating and sharing content? What challenges and barriers might communities face in participating? How can we overcome these concerns, challenges and barriers?
What we heard:
Community members are excited about the potential of strengthening understanding of culture, history and Indigenous experience for all Canadians, and the importance of a safe space and maintaining ownership of their content. Below are several key points and overarching themes that emerged during consultations:
- Ownership of stories belongs to the storytellers and/or creators.
- Creation of a safe space and support people who may be emotionally triggered.
- Include Indigenous people in the process, connecting with and consulting with Indigenous people, especially Elders.
- Inclusion of personal stories, healing stories, family history, traditional knowledge, urban experience, arts, spirituality, reclaiming culture, language, territory.
- Stories create a sense of belonging.
- Opportunity to learn from Elders and others through stories.
- Possibility to create mutual respect, empathy and empower each other through stories.
- A space to celebrate Indigenous history, present and future, culture and achievements through stories.
- A space to educate people about important issues, community concerns and experiences.
- A place to preserve stories to be shared by future generations.
- People, place and inter-connection are important factors in imagery and aesthetics.
This project has and will continue to involve ongoing consultation and collaboration as it continues to grow and develop. We have also continued to work with and seek guidance and feedback from Elders, artists, youth, educators and the general community.
The Voices of the Land logo represents Indigenous oral tradition. The steering committee chose to utilize the same logo as Voices of Amiskwaciy because they felt it continued to reflect the project in its new iteration.
The logo is designed in a circular pattern as circles have special and varied meaning to Indigenous groups in North America. The 4 circles at the top of the logo represent stars which also signify stories. Knowledge keepers have said that stories are associated to the stars, and have been passed down for generations. Stars are also depicted in the homepage image, above a group of people gathering. Telling stories is an important way of preserving Indigenous culture and history. Often stories are passed from an older person to a younger person so traditions carry on, the two people in the logo are united to represent the interconnection and sharing that happens through this type of knowledge transfer.
The image and creative concept of the logo was designed by Lese Skidmore. The text and logo style guide were developed by Craig Pinder, Team Lead, Design and Production Services for Edmonton Public Library.
The Voices of the Land Steering Committee had many ideas and suggested themes for the homepage image. It was important that it reflected the diversity of Indigenous nations and cultures within Alberta and the landscapes that make up their homelands. The homepage was designed by Tashina Makokis who is a nehiyaw iskwew from the Saddle Lake First Nation in Treaty 6 Territory.
The image is multi-faceted and includes the night sky above a boreal forest with a gathering of people below, sharing tea and stories, as well as various images that translate to daylight and represent landscapes and plants found throughout the province. The figures around the fire and in the forest can be interpreted as ancestors coming to visit. A river flows down through the homepage representing the water/life that connects us all, and the waterways that flow from the Rocky Mountains. On the other side of the river are other medicines and rocks representing grandfathers. The category labels are integrated into the homepage and include starblanket designs. Many Indigenous nations in Alberta has stories about starblankets and our relationship to stars in general.
The homepage also includes a layered map from This map allows users to toggle between territories, languages, and treaty areas. Voices of Amiskwaciy had a map with stories plotted, but our steering committee wanted the map to be more prominent and to honour Indigenous understandings of territory and geography.
Mukurtu CMS
Mukurtu CMS (MOOK-oo-too) was selected as the platform to host and manage content for Voices of the Land. Mukurtu is an open-source content management specifically designed to manage and care for Indigenous content online. The Mukurtu project began in the Warumungu Indigenous community in Central Australia as a collaborative project to produce a safe-keeping place to store and share content online. Mukurtu is a Warumungu word meaning ‘dilly-bag’ – a community safe keeping place for sacred items.
The Mukurtu platform allows for community partners to control and curate their own collections, manage, preserve and share their content in a culturally relevant and ethically-minded way that supports a wholly collaborative process. To learn more about the Mukurtu platform and project, visit the Mukurtu site:
To fit the needs of the Voices of the Land in terms of features, usability and design, Kanopi Studios, a company that specializes in website design and user experience, was contracted to help us make the site what it is today.
Kanopi Studios
Kanopi Studios is a web agency focused on data-informed & human-centric solutions. Kanopi designs, builds, and supports websites for clients that want to make a positive impact and specialize in creating Mukurtu sites. Voices of the Land features several innovative additions not found on previous Mukurtu sites, including updates to the dictionary feature, the integration of the map, new thumbnail technology, text scanning, etc. Kanopi Studios and the Program Coordinator have ongoing email correspondence and meets virtually at least once a month!
Local Contexts developed a set of Traditional Knowledge Labels which support the inclusion of local protocols for access and use to cultural heritage that is digitally circulating outside community contexts. We wanted to integrate Traditional Labels into Voices of the Land, but we also understood they had to be localized and customized. During the development of Voices of the Land, we met with Elders and Knowledge Keepers throughout the province to develop a set of Traditional Knowledge Labels that reflected Indigenous nations whose territories Alberta was founded on. Tashina Makokis developed imagery for each of them that reflects the feedback of Elders and Knowledge Keepers.
Voices of the Land was an intentionally chosen name that emphasizes Indigenous connection to land and territory and its importance in informing storytelling. Voices of Amiskwaciy integrated google maps but we wanted to show Indigenous geographies beyond that. Native Land Digital graciously allowed us to use their mapping of territories, treaties, and languages. Users can toggle between all of these to see where a story is located within these Indigenous understandings of place.
Indigenous Content (IC) Signifiers provide information and direction on how cultural expressions and content on Voices of the Land can be accessed and used when circulating in digital formats. IC Signifiers recognize that non-Indigenous licensing and copyright legislation does not wholly protect Indigenous content online from inappropriate use, access and sharing, nor can they support inclusion of localized, community governance and representation. People who access content that display IC Signifiers, are expected to review, and adhere to the guidelines described in each Signifier. In this way, IC Signifiers work to support and spread awareness about Indigenous Data Sovereignty.
These IC Signifiers were developed with Elders and Knowledge Keepers throughout the province to reflect the diverse and nuanced contexts of Indigenous Nations whose territories Alberta was founded upon. Tashina Makokis developed imagery for the Signifiers that reflects the feedback of those Elders and Knowledge Keepers.
In this introductory learning experience, participants will grasp the history and core lessons of an EPL-led Indigenous virtual storytelling platform. Through this 16-video course, you'll be able to navigate and use the platform, post content on the website, and encourage others to share stories to their comfort.
Take this course if you work with Indigenous communities, you have an interest in Indigenous storytelling, or you have interest in cultural protocols.
There are no costs to take this course and by the end of this video series, you will be to:
- Explain the purpose of this initiative along with the history and current context of sharing Indigenous content on the site to community members.
- Navigate the Voices of the Land platform and understand major features, related concepts, and activities.
- Successfully share content and manage a personal account.
- Assist community members in using the site and be able to answer basic questions about the platform and project.
- Tour colleagues and community members through the platform.
- Train community members in creating and managing an account, joining a community, and submitting and managing their own content.
Please contact with any questions about course completion.