Privacy and sharing

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The Voices of the Land Steering Committee are committed to ensuring privacy and confidentiality of customer information. We will not share your information with third parties and all personal information provided for the website will only be used for the purposes of the Voices of the Land is guided by the Edmonton Public Library’s core policies on Privacy and Intellectual Freedom. To learn more about these visit the links below:

Privacy & Confidentiality of Customer Information, B-2005

Intellectual Freedom, B-2012


All content you upload and share on is your intellectual property and belongs to you. By uploading your content to you consent to sharing your content on the site for public viewing (unless you have alternative protocols on a community page) and to the possibility of your content being featured on any Voices of the Land Steering Committee partner library’s social media channels and/or website and You can revoke your consent at any time. Youth under 18 years of age must have parents’ or guardian’s consent to be recorded and identified online. To learn more about consent and acquiring informed consent in creating your content, read “Understanding Consent” in the “How to Participate” page.


The information contained in the multimedia content posted on represents the views of the original creators and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the Edmonton Public Library (EPL), the Government of Alberta or any Steering Committee partner library. The appearance of video content on does not constitute an endorsement by any of these parties. Video content has been made available for informational and educational purposes only. EPL and the Government of Alberta do not make any representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability or completeness of video content. EPL, the Government of Alberta and Steering Committee partner libraries disclaim any and all liability to any party for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the video content or comments which is provided as is, and without warranties. The Voices of the Land Steering Committee maintains the right to remove video content at any time if this content:

  • Infringes any third party's copyrights or other rights (e.g. trademark, privacy rights, etc.);
  • Contains sexually explicit content or pornography (provided, however, that non-sexual nudity is permitted);
  • Contains hateful, defamatory, or discriminatory content or incites hatred against any individual or group;
  • Exploits minors;
  • Depicts unlawful acts or extreme violence;
  • Depicts animal cruelty or extreme violence towards animals;
  • Promotes fraudulent or dubious business schemes; or violates any law.


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