Mâmawô ayâwin Event Series

Introducing EPL's New Indigenous Event Series.

Collaborating with Indigenous communities is foundational to our work at EPL. We strive to ensure our library branches are welcoming to all and our services, classes and events are of interest to Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.  

Amiskwaciwâskahikan (Edmonton) has been a place of gathering and trade for thousands of years. Public libraries are an extension of this tradition in that they are places for public dialogue and learning. If we are to live well together, in a Treaty relationship, it is important we continue to gather so we can learn from one another and understand how settler and Indigenous histories intersect. Collaboration is essential in order to provide Edmontonians opportunities to learn about Indigenous history and culture. At the Library, adults and children alike can attend classes and events, borrow material by Indigenous authors, get staff recommendations, learn from online resources and seek guidance from our Elder-in-Residence Nôhkom Jo-Ann Saddleback.

At some points in history, it was illegal for First Nations people to gather in groups of three or greater. This was an effort by the Canadian government to suppress First Nations gathering and ceremony. Gathering is an important part of the resurgence of Indigenous cultures.

Libraries have long been community gathering places for people and ideas. EPL offers open, inviting and comfortable spaces that provide refuge, comfort and community for all Edmontonians. At the Library, customers can pursue solo endeavours, whether reading, study or work, or connect with others, whether family, friends, colleagues or the community at large.

EPL also serves as connector, actively bringing diverse groups together, whether in person or online. We promote dialogue, increasing understanding and inspiring change.

It is in this spirit that we developed Mâmawô ayâwin.

Mâmawô ayâwin means “all being together” in Nehiyawewin (Plains Cree). The name is a reflection of EPL’s intention to bring Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples together to learn, discuss and celebrate under various topics.

Following in the footsteps of PÎYÊSÎW WÂSKÂHIKAN, EPL’s Indigenous gathering space at the new Stanley A. Milner Library, Mâmawô ayâwin also uses the Indigenous language to bring visibility to Indigenous languages within EPL. 
